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Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

Malcolm S. Forbes

                                                     Active Learning

Rubrics from the Instructor and Student Perspectives
Source: Dr. Cy Leise, Professor of Psychology, Bellevue University




  Image: Teacher

Transformational Instructor

Uses learning challenges and facilitation methods
 that result in life change in learners.

  • Designs curriculum on the basis of “meta-strategies” that enable learners to perceive entirely new learning paradigms.

  • Learners establish and meet their own standards at unusually high performance levels.

  • Learners are sought out by other students for mentoring on how to “learn–to-learn.”

  • Learners seek out and assess models, strategies, and theories that extend their range of application of knowledge.

  • Learners independently assess the generalizability of their knowledge and skills for many life contexts.

Image: Student

Transformed Student

Sets personal challenges that result in
significant life change or growth.


  • Commits to “universal” learning challenges stated or implied in any well-designed curriculum.

  • Establishes and meets own standards at unusually high performance levels.

  • Views the world at a mature adult development level; tackles life’s inconsistencies.

  • Assesses the validity of resources, tools, and models for each learning challenge or context.

  • Independently assesses the generalizability of competencies for many life contexts.


Image: Teacher

Enriching Instructor
Moves learners to explore knowledge
applications beyond expectations.

  • Curriculum is soundly organized around higher-order goals and processes.

  • Learners are able to assess their benchmarks and to independently challenge themselves.

  • Incorporates individual differences to increase all students’ awareness of the variations in valid strategies for achieving outcomes.

  • Learners assess resources, tools, and models for validity in given contexts.

  • Produces learners able to identify and improve lower levels skills related to higher-level goals.


Image: Student

Enriched Student
Actively explores how to use knowledge for applications of personal interest; performs beyond expectations.

  • Commits most to curricula organized around higher-order processes related to personal goals.

  • Sets and assesses own benchmarks and challenges.

  • Views individual differences, of self and others, as a creative resource.

  • Assesses the validity of resources, tools, and models for each learning challenge or context.

  • Explores, for multiple competencies, how lower level skills are related to higher-level skills.



Image: Teacher

Engaging Instructor
Consistently produces active learners who can self-assess performance against standards.

  • a    Curriculum design includes clear outcomes, learning processes, measures, and standards.

  • b    Uses facilitation to effectively increase learner confidence that assessment raises performance.

  • c     Facilitates individual inclusion of learning style issues in self-assessments of performance.

  • d    Selects resources to provide information, theories, models, and examples that will support learning outcomes in varied ways.

  • Curriculum is based on careful analysis of supporting skills in order to design activities that lead to transfer of sills to similar contexts.


Image: Student

Engaged Student
Active learner who can self-assess
performance against standard

  • Commits strongly to curricula designed with well-defined outcomes, learning processes, measures, and standards.

  • Accepts “ownership” of learning based on confidence that assessment predictably raises performance.

  • Includes personal learning style and attitudes in assessment of strengths, areas of  improvement, and insights relevant to improving performance.

  • Selects resources such as  information, theories, models, and examples that will support learning outcomes in varied or flexible ways.

  • Focuses on building strong foundations across all learning domains as the best way to achieve predictable transfer and generalization of skills to real life contexts.



Image: Teacher

Conventional Instructor
Manages learning by clearly defining outcomes;
discounts the value of facilitation of learning processes.

  • Describes curriculum outcomes in terms of products; unstated standards, or open to interpretation.

  • Support of learning processes is limited to tutoring, reviews, and grading.

  • Provides evaluative feedback plus encouragement and assistance related to learning styles.

  • Resources are provided to support each learning outcome in varied ways.

  • Aware of the range of lower levels skills but can’t always connect these to more complex goals.

Image: Student

Conventional Student
Manages learning by focusing on outcomes;
limited in awareness of personal potential.

  • Focuses effort on finishing assignments; adjusts to fit unclear or unstated standards. 

  • Constrained by an assumption that individuals have learning limitations that cannot be changed.

  • Relies upon instructor flexibility in helping to compensate for barriers related to learning style.

  • Sees use of recommended resources as an extra burden; has limited awareness of connections between resources and learning processes.

  • Aware of many skills but not of their relative levels of difficulty or roles as prerequisites.


Image: Teacher

Risk Averse Instructor

Avoids change; discounts the value of assessment of teaching strategies or of supporting learning processes.


  • Bases curriculum on assignments related to a specific text.

  • Views learning only in terms of memorization of facts, theories, and procedures.

  • Views variations in learning style, personality, and learner goals as student problems.

  • Views supplemental resources, as well as text reading, as assignments.

  • The main goal is to present lower level knowledge; assume transfer is unlikely until a job or other future challenge is experienced.

Image: Student

Risk Averse Student

Grade-oriented; concerned about meeting
requirements efficiently.


  • Seeks the easiest and simplest solution to getting the  grade expected.

  • Considers learning a problem that  is controlled entirely by the instructor and/or by other external influences.

  • Unaware of variations in learning style, personality, and learner goals.

  • Uses resources only as specifically prescribed for each assignment.

  • Thinks of learning only in terms of factual knowledge; unaware of varied uses of knowledge.



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